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My new pets

In Uncategorized on September 27, 2009 at 3:09 pm

If you can’t tell from my links so far, I love animals.

I am getting a new baby pinto hedgehog named Haley and a retired breeder hedgehog named Libby from BeachBum Hedgehogs in mid-October.  I was supposed to get them early October, but Shelly (the breeder) graciously offered to hold them for me two extra weeks because of my unexpected surgery.

I can’t wait to get them!

This is my baby hedgehog Haley

This is my baby hedgehog Haley

September Update

In Uncategorized on September 27, 2009 at 1:35 pm

So I had my open revision surgery August 25.  I spent a week in the hospital instead of a few days because I needed iron transfusions and it was taking my new plumbing a longer time than expected to wake up and start working.  My surgeon termed my new intestine “cranky;”  I term that the understatement of the year.

I started work Sept 14 at a law firm.  Orientation was great.  I got an awesome new blackberry, a new office and nice new officemate named B.B., and most fun: I got to see all my friends from the summer again!  Most of the first week I went out every night for dinner or other fun activities with my friends.   My best friends at the firm are Agirl and Aboy.

Agirl moved here from India on her own at age 16 to attend U Michigan.  That takes incredible guts that I for one do not possess.  She learned American English, graduated school, got an awesome boyfriend named Sheldon and then went to law school in upstate NY and made law review.  We met last summer and I am so glad we are friends.  She has more of a type A extroverted personality and she is always keeping me busy with plans.  I am happy that she coerces me into fun : )  On my own I would likely just go home and read, but she plans social events for me practically every night.  Other great things about AGirl:  she is very plugged into the fashion world, knows about the best clubs, and she is very well-read.
ABoy was my officemate last year.  He is very chill and like me, usually happy to let AGirl plan our social lives.  He has a wonderful fiance named C.  We had a great summer in our corner office.  Our usual routine: I got in early and did work and got him a bagel with butter, never cream cheese; he rolled in and we would take a break to try and piece together the black holes in our memories of the prior evening (I took advantage of the plentiful free alcohol available to summer associates); we would share hilarious stories; do work until lunch; go to a wonderful restaurant and meet associates (this is how we met our friend N); come back and work; I would watch funny utube links he would send me, then after work we would go somewhere for dinner with AGirl or go to a summer associate event and then the afterparties.  ABoy is one of the funniest people and he is very kind, and I am really glad I met him.  He is also a skilled cook and very very very good at finding awesome restaurants to try.  My favorite of his finds so far:  Kraft Bar and Gordon Ramsay’s.  BTW he will tell you:  frog legs should be slurped and do not bite the whole thing because their are bones in them.  Good advice.

N worked at our firm although she has since moved on to a new job.  N adopted me and ABoy and I am so glad!  She took us awesome places:  my favorites are Del Frisco’s and Milos.  She always picks a wonderful bottle of wine.  N is adorable.  She is bubbly and charming and SOCIAL and extroverted.  She knows people all over the city.  Not a joke.  In every establishment she will have the staff being her best friend in about 2 min.  And I love her freckles.   N came to my beach house last summer and we had a wonderful weekend even though it poured.  Since then she let me visit her in her wonderful apartment near Central Park whenever I was home from school.

N and AGirl are both very social and extroverted and great at planning fun for ABoy and me.  Together I think we make a good group of friends.

Anyway, the first week we all hang out a lot when we were not working.  I got to do research and draft part of a brief on a very interesting case.  I am not going to talk about the specifics of my work projects, but I was busy and they were interesting.

When not at work that week I went to a meetup group to see discount tickets for Avenue Q with my friend A.  A is the best person; ever.

A. and I lived 5 min away from one another but never met until our last year at law school.  Crazy world.  Anyway, how to describe A?  She is very smart.  She has a master’s degree in chemistry.  She got it in only 4 years of regular college at a very prestigious school.  She worked with Nesson and worked on real cases at school.  If you know Nesson you are impressed with her ability to do that.

She has a great memory.   A is unique:  neither Type A nor introverted I think she falls in the middle.  A works hard at school or work, but also makes time for low-key social fun.  A is a talented dancer and would like it if I knew how to dance.  Despite not being a big drinker, she loves to accompany her friends out to bars.  A is a world class night owl.  A is very funny and I love it when she sends me funny pictures and quotes she has found online.

When I was sick with my revision A came and visited me in the hospital.  She has also put up with my very very conservative and opinionated family.  She deserves many medals of honor. Oh and A is beautiful:  Russian Jewish immigrant with LONG wavy black hair, dark brown happy eyes, very slim with pale skin and freckles.  I am very fond of people with freckles.  She looks like a a happy exotic Snow White.  I say that to differentiate from a dead Snow White in the casket; to which she bears no resemblance at all.  I could; however, see her ordering many dwarves around in a happy kitchen.  A is a great cook.

More than anything: A is a generous spirit.  It is rare and I am so glad to have met her.  Thank you to our mutual friend L who introduced us.
Anyway Avenue Q was great.  I now find myself singing the Internet is for porn at very inappropriate times.

Then later in the week I frequented a few places on 9th ave: the eatery, dolce agua (or something like that) which had great short ribs and guacomole, and many bars on 9th Ave including A’s favorite: Zanzibar home of the lovely throne chair and at which establishment I met A’s very cool friend Robin.

Later in the week, I went to N’s farewell party at Piano Due and Bar American, and Rosie’s all near 7th ave.  It was a LONG night, but lots of bittersweet fun.  A was very funny.  She introduced our stunning, smart, and I think mysterious friend K and I to her cute (and very nicely attired!) friend Vjay.  Then ABoy and I went onto other bars later that night.

Agirl went to DC for the weekend to visit Sheldon and kindly invited me, but I declined.  ABoy went to DC for a party.  N went to Miami for the week! I LOVE hot weather and I love Florida and I especially love Miami.  I am painfully jealous.

My friend L was supposed to come and visit me for the weekend in the city.  L is currently a 3L at our law school.  We met when I was her RA my second year.  L is very smart, interesting, and beautiful.  She is tall with wavy light brown hair that is waist length although usually tied back and she has the most gorgeous pale blue eyes.  L is very strong and we would sometimes do the body bar class at our school’s gym and it would kick my butt, but she would sail through it.  She also ran our school’s girl’s crew team.  She knows more about sports than any other girl I know other than Lindsay.  L took me and a bunch of her friends to Italy (Florence, Venice, and Rome) over spring break last year and I had a wonderful time.  L has always been very understanding about my stomach issues and I really appreciated her understanding when I had to cancel a much hoped for cruise.

I was really looking forward to seeing L, but I was sidelined.  Work needed volunteers for doc review over the weekend and I stepped up.  It was actually pretty cool.  I like doc review!  For now.

Then Sat morning at work after I finished my assignment I started getting these AWFUL cramps in my back and stomach.  I then started vomiting and couldn’t stop.  I thought I was going to faint in the restroom.  So I hopped a taxi to the emergency room of NY Cornell Presybyterian hospital where my surgeon Dr. Pomp works.  After many many awful hours they admitted me and started lots of tests.  Dilaudid and benadryl helped.  4 abdominal surgeries survived and I can honestly say it was the worst pain ever.  I really thought I would die.

After two days of tests they decided I had a partial  bowel obstruction likely caused by an adhesion from my revision surgery.  They would need to do emergency surgery to see what was going on internally.  They were able to do the surgery laprascopically through 4 new incisions and open up a narrowing.  Unfortunately they can’t promise that another obstruction won’t occur.  Bleh.  I spent 5 days in the hospital because my cranky bowel is very very reluctant to come back to functioning after being given the week off (I was not fed for 5 days while in the hospital).

I am rather worried about having had to take a week off my second week at work.  Thus I expect to be working as hard as I can to make up for it.

I am still pretty tired and one of my incisions is very cranky.  Healing wishes appreciated.

Hello world!

In Uncategorized on August 31, 2009 at 4:10 pm

Welcome to my blog.

I am 25, just graduated law school, took the bar exams for NY and NJ, had major abdominal surgery, and next week I move into my new apartment in NYC.  How’s that for a crazy summer?

This blog will be a place for me to collect my thoughts on the happy chaos that is my life.